Monday, February 21, 2011


I read an article in the New York Times about soldiers and their perscriptions.  It states that 101 soldiers died from 2006-2009, accidentally, from the interactions of the multiple drugs in their bodies.  Therefore, the army and navy are offering other forms of treatment that do not include drugs, such as accupuncture and yoga.  This article mentioned thre specific men who died in their sleep from these interactions.  Airman Mena died in his Albuquercue apartment in July 2009, which was five months after he had a medical discharge.  Another soldier, Corporal Endicott, was a marine and saw many of his fellow soldiers die or get seriously injured.  He had suffered from nightmares, flashbacks, and had rarely left his house.  He died in January 2008 in his room at the National Naval Medical Center.  The toxicologist found at least nine perscription drugs in his system.  The third soldier was Sergean Bachus of the Marines.  Bachus suffered from backpain, depression, and anxiety.  In the last few days of his life, Bachus was thought to be delusional but not suicidal.  He was found dead in his on-base quarters in North Carolina.  All three cases had four similarities.  They all had been deployed multiple times, all had five or more medications in their systems when they died, they all had repeatedly switched drugs, and they all died in their sleep.  This is a hint, that the government needs to rely less on drugs and more on alternate treatments, such as therapy, accupucture, or yoga, like the army and navy. 

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