Monday, February 28, 2011


Holy Crap!! I am so excited to not live in the dorms again. Yesterday, I got a call from my Aunt Sharon who has a niece looking for a roommate for an apartment near campus.  The dorms weren't bad at the beginning of the semester but now, they are so not great.  I live on the sixth floor of Hubbard right next to the spot where dump trucks and delivery trucks pickup and drop off their loads.  It may not seem so, but it is extremely load and quite annoying.  It makes it hard to concentrate a lot of the time.  My hopes are that when I move into an apartment, it will be peaceful and quiet.  Another problem is the bathroom in the suite style dorms.  I spent an hour and a half cleaning the bathroom shower and didn't even get a simple thank you.  Not only that, but I paid $35 on cleaning supplies and still had to clean it myself.  In an apartment, I will have to do this, but at least it will get done regularly and it will be my own bathroom and bedroom.  It sounds quite nice I think because this whole sharing the space but not the work is somewhat bothersome.

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