Sunday, February 6, 2011


Researchers found that energy drinks such as red bull, monster, rock star, and full throttle contain highlevels of caffeine and warned that certain susceptible people risk dangerous, even life-threatening, effects on blood pressure, heart rate and brain function.  "The authors noted that “four documented cases of caffeine-associated death have been reported, as well as five separate cases of seizures associated with consumption of energy/power drinks.”  Additional reports include an otherwise healthy 28-year-old man who suffered a cardiac arrest after a day of motocross racing; a healthy 18-year-old man who died playing basketball after drinking two cans of Red Bull; and four cases of mania experienced by individuals known to have bipolar disorder."  Long term affects of energy drinks are a major concern today since it is hard to tell if it will affect the liver, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and diabetes.  Another major concern about these drinks is not only the sugar but also with young people mixing them with alcohol.  The caffiene in these drinks can mask the perception of inebriation — and that can increase the risk of drunken driving or other dangerous behaviors.  Unfortunately, this proved true for a football player for the Cleveland Browns, who killed a pedestrian after drinking a red bull and multiple shots of tequila

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