Monday, February 21, 2011


After waiting out the severe storm, the doctor, Ben Payne, packs the makeshift sled and lays the woman, Ashley on it.  They head away from the crashsite hoping to find a town and some help.  On the way, the come across this A-frame house, which is assumed to be used for a boyscout camp.  After spending a few days in the house getting warmed up and fed, they head out again.  On the way, they find a shortcut that would cut ten miles off the trip, however it is an extremely steep decline.  He decides its a good risk.  While climbing down this hill, an avalanche starts.  Ben is separated from the sled and Ashley. He gets buried underneath all the snow, except for his foot, and is unable to move at all.  Ashley is able to dig him out and, after tending to her rebroken femur, he leaves her to go find help.  He walks for about ten miles and can walk no further.  He is too exhausted and injured to go any further.  However, memories of his wife keep him going and he happens to see a smoke stack.  That's about as much as I can say without giving away the ending.  Now that I've finished the book, I really really liked it and may even read it again.  The ending had two parts, one of which is completely unexpected.  I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes any of the books written by Charles Martin.

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