Sunday, April 24, 2011


With finals only a week away, I have begun to go insane with worry.  My GPA is not what I want it to be and haven't really studied very hard for my finals.  I've studied some but not enough.  I'm just concerned because I have so much other work to finish before I can even consider studying for finals.  Luckily, the week after, I can relax in Alabama.  However, my major concern now is GPA.  It would've been great if not for Biology.  I've studied so hard for all the exams in bio and have nothing to show for it.  I'm extremely worried about getting accepted into medical school.  I really hope these past two semester don't destroy my chances of medical school.  The part that bugs me is that nobody else really seems to be worried.  I've talked to a lot of people who have the "I'm-just-gonna-wing-it" attitude.  If I hear another person say that, I will go absolutely INSANE! It seems that I have to study so hard just to barely get by.

1 comment:

  1. Well, we all learn differently and each of us deal with stress in unique ways. Don't worry about what others say they are going to do and just focus on what you know you need to be successful. You will get through this.
