Monday, April 25, 2011


It's odd really, just how much work I still have to do before finals.  It was never like this in high school and it seems to be a lot harder to deal with than I thought.  Currently, I still have to finish week 15 homework, math homework, the reflection, as well as study for finals; all within a week!  I know there are only two weeks left but this semester has gone by so much faster than expected.  Finals have crept up on me once again.  It just seems unreal that my very first semester of college is two weeks from being over.  I am concerned about my GPA but it feels nice to be finished.  I think it's funny too though that after graduation, I was so excited to start college. Now, I want nothing more to be done with these basic classes and already in my first year of medical school.  I imagine, these next three years will fly by just as fast as the first.

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