Sunday, April 24, 2011


Technology provides more than just games, iPhones, or even online dating websites.  For one particular couple, it provides a few hours of fun and a life-long relationship.  John Bentley and Tamara Langman met online playing World Of Warcraft.  The purpose of the game is to destroy monsters, but when players aren't battling monsters, their avatars are able to explore the lush jungles, snowy forests, and misty beaches.  Both John and Tamara found a place for their avatars to relax and they talked about everything from family to their futures.  Eventually, the two decided to meet in Santa Barbara.  It was meant to be a two week visit, but two weeks became two years and the couple remains together.  As you can see, there is more to technology than science, it also is a way of meeting the person you may spend the rest of your life with.

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