Monday, April 25, 2011


Finally, I made it to the last blog. I never though I'd see the day! In all honesty though, I don't think I will ever miss them and don't plan on writing another blog any time soon.  Although I didn't mind doing them, they were always there. I hate assignments that you can't do in one evening. I always seemed to be behind on the blogs.  I was always having to spend weekends getting caught up on them, sometimes I had to catch up on as many as nine. Obviously, they're not hard but there was so much other work to do throughout the semester that the blogs got put on the "back-burner." Other than never being done, blogs weren't so bad and I did learn a lot about the medical field, mostly.

1 comment:

  1. Well you don't need to love blogging at all. But I am glad you found this useful with learning about new medical technologies and getting yourself to read and discuss what you discovered. That is still important.
