Sunday, April 17, 2011


Move out day is only 19 days away! I am so excited for this summer; it's already packed. First of all, my last exam is on Wednesday and classes will officially be over!! The day after move out day, my mom, sister, and I are driving to Alabama with my Aunt and some friends of hers. On the way, we are going to stop and see my twin brother, who I haven't seen in a few months. We will pick up my Aunt in Nashville, Tennessee and from there, we will drive to Alabama. The whole point of this trip is to have a girls week. We're staying at a condo on Orange Beach which is right on the ocean! I am so excited; the seventh cannot come fast enough. After we get back, if I enroll on time, my summer class will start on Monday, which I'm somewhat anxious for. Plus, I get to start working again! I have two jobs. One going from 9 am to 5:30 pm at the Great Wolf Lodge. The other going from 6 pm to anytime near 11 pm. I'm so excited to finally start having a regular pay check. The only thing I'm concerned about is being able to work on homework for my summer class and finding time to actually study for the exams. Another problem is that since I will be so busy, summer will go by so fast.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it definitely will go by fast, but this sounds like an awesome way to spend part of it!

    Hopefully you have used some of these dreary days we've had lately to your advantage to get packed up and make next week go by smoothly. Move-out time is just as crazy as move in.
