Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disease that causes red blood cells to have a sickle shape.  These cells can't properly carry oxygen throughout the body and tend to clump together, blocking blood flow.  This blockage of blood flow damages organs and causes severe pain.  Three people talk about living with sickle cell anemia.  One man talks about how professionals in the medical field don't take this disease seriously.  They believe he's a drug seeker, when his pain gets so bad that he has to go to the emergency room.  An eight year-old talks about how she treats the pain with a heating pad but hates missing so much school.  The last woman talks about how both her and her husband both have the trait for sickle cell disease.  Two of her children have inherited the disease and every time they have another, there is a one-in-four chance of that child getting sickle cell disease.  Hopefully, one day, we can find a cure or a better treatment for this disease.

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