Saturday, March 19, 2011


HP has developed a new version of their first 1977 watch, called the HP-01.  However, this watch has bluetooth.  The hope is that they can develop a watch that will be an internet-ready device right on your wrist.  One developer said that the screen is too small and would be nearly useless.  Another developer replied, "it would be enough for alerts, able to notify the wearer, for example, when you’ve got 4 more e-mails, 3 Facebook updates and 10 Tweets."  Honestly, I think this idea is not so good.  I believe that no matter how necessary it is, society is too addicted to the internet.  It's okay to use it for social reasons, but the way we rely on Facebook, Twitter, and even E-mail has gotten slightly ridiculous.  I'm guilty as well and it never ceases to amaze me that no matter how busy we are, we always have time to check or update or facebooks or twitters.  Most of the things posted on these websites are completely useless bits of information anyways.  For example, "went to lunch today and sat outside."  Posts such as these irritate me.  Honestly, it's good you had a nice day, but nobody really cares!  We have become way to dependant on social sites, which is the major downside of such new developments in technology.  However, I do admit, it is a good way to keep in touch with family and friends, you leave behind when you go to college.

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