Saturday, March 26, 2011


With a research paper due and two exams this week, I couldn't decide whether I should go home or not.  If I didn't go home, then I would have to wait until the 8th of April, four weeks from the last time I was home.  I decided to go with my better judgement and stayed on campus until the 8th.  However, my mom came to visit today, something she likes to do and wishes she can do more often.  My sister goes to MSU as well and we spent all of today going to lunch and shopping.  Now, I hate shopping but it was nice to see my mom and got three pairs of shoes out of the deal. :)  I'm really glad I decided to stay because my paper is one resource away from being finished.  I have all night to finish it and all of tomorrow to study for this week's exam.  I am so excited for the first weekend in April because 1) I get to go home and 2) I will be finished with exams until finals!

1 comment:

  1. Well hey, if family is willing to come visit you when they know how busy you are that is fantastic! At least shopping wasn't just studying so that's a good break. You can get through this week!
