Monday, January 24, 2011


It is true, with technology, writing has gotten horrible.  It bugs me to see people writing in text form or using numbers for words.  It just seems lazy to have to exchange 4 and for.  I also hate to see bad grammar and that seems to appear more and more everyday.  I can't stand to see sentences that are written poorly.  I know that people make mistakes and I have made plenty in writing papers but at least I spell out the full word and try to use appropriate grammar.  Even in emails, people make simple mistakes that could be noticed if they reread the email before they sent it.  Like O'Neil states, "people who are used to using BlackBerries and instant messaging are transferring that way of writing into all forms of writing." I understand if you use this type of writing while texting but in any other form of writing, it is unacceptable, especially, if you are shortening words by removing every vowel.

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