Monday, January 24, 2011


I am hoping to go back home this weekend and am extremely excited! This last couple weeks have been extremely long and boring. I think this week will be especially tough because chemistry labs start today and that is my least favorite class.  They last for two hours and fifty minutes and that is much too long for one class especially if you don't really like it at all.  Hopefully, this week goes by fast and I get ahead in my classes so I can go home.  This weekend, I'm hoping to have a nice, relaxing weekend visiting my old high school friends who I haven't seen in a month or so, which is weird because I normally visit them everytime I'm home.  It seems even after an entire semester of college, I'm not quite used to being away from home.  After about two weeks, I'm ready to go back, which is probably because I'm a home-body or because I don't have a roommate, possibly a little of both.  People always say you should stay away for a while and go back home every once in a while. I don't understand why though.  I mean what is there really to do on weekends anyways.  Normally, I work on homework, watch TV, and hang out with friends but eventually you run out of things to do.  Therefore, I still get excited to go home; I can't wait! 

1 comment:

  1. Everyone needs to relax and take a break once and a while. This can really help you do better with your work.
