Saturday, January 22, 2011


I was going through the readings for this week and I read through the entire portion called This Isn’t What We Did In High School.  I really hope our class is going to be just like this.  All throughout my high school career, teacher always gave us a question or statement to write about. However, they were looking for a particular answer.  Most of the papers we wrote were literary analysis and I hate those.  I think I mostly hated them because my teachers were always looking to see if what I thought the book meant was what they thought the book meant.  I always disliked that because every mind is different.  Pouring rain could mean one thing to someone and then mean a completely different thing to someone else.  It just never made any sense to me when the teacher said to analyze it based on your own thoughts and then they graded the paper based on theirs.  So I’m glad we are not analyzing and I really hope the class is laid back like the one described in this article.

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