Saturday, January 22, 2011


My dream career is to be a pediatric oncologist.  I want to be part of a medical breakthrough in the cancer field.  My biggest worry, however, is medical school.  I really don't have a backup plan.  What happens if I don't get into medical school or do poorly on the MCAT? And, if I do get into med school, how will I pay for it? Especially after four years at MSU.  Can I work while in medical school?  I already have all these worries and I'm only a freshman.  It seems to me, as excited as I am to actually be a student in medical school, that growing up is completely overrated.  How can there already be that many problems when I'm only 18 years old.  People always tell me, "Enjoy your college years, they're seriously the best years of your life." Well...that depressing.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I am loving college life but if I've got that many worries already, I will probably be a nervous wreck when I'm done with school.  It just seems like kids can't wait to be adults and adults want to go back to being kids again.  That's the problem with the human race, we're always wishing for things we don't have.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't say you have to believe being in your late teens and early twenties are the best years of your life and it's all down hill after that. But you should still have fun and enjoy all the options available to you during this time. Don't let the worries about preparing for exams get in the way of you actually learning what you need to be a pediatric oncologist. As others in the medical field can attest to being a perfect student doesn't mean that you will be the best doctor. You need to be knowledgeable as well as passionate about your field and the people you are there to help.
