Saturday, January 22, 2011


So I am somewhat nervous about this project, however, earlier this week the group got together and discussed our topic.  Even though I still get nervous while presenting, I am excited that we picked a topic that I am so interested in...Stem Cell Research.  I've seen a documentary about it recently and lately keep finding myself lost in thought of all the possibilities this could create.  I don't know much but I know that under certain conditions, stem cells can be trained to become other cells.  Say, for example, somebody has a heart defect.  We can train stem cells to become heart cells and replace the bad heart cells with good cells.  We could drastically decrease fatality rates.  Now, I know this is a very controversial subject, but that's why I am anxious to research this topic.  Why is it controversial?  What are the pros and cons that make it controversial. So far I don't understand it, but by the end of this project, I hope to know enough to determine, for me, whether it is right or wrong.

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