Sunday, January 23, 2011


In the technology section of the Washington Post is an article called, Should You Check Facebook Before Hiring.  I figured this article is perfect since we are working on cover letters and the class is about science and technology writing.  This article is about two potential employees who are being considered for a job.  One man was involved in nonprofit work and won an award.  However, the employer googled both employees and found some inappropriate pictures on the man's friend's wall.  So the employer decided to hire the woman who, when googled, was shown to be a good project manager.  The issue is whether or not employers have the right to base their decisions on facebook pages. Although I understand how it is wrong because what people do on their own time is their business, I tend to believe it is reasonable to hire based on whatever information you have.  If you're looking for a job and know you are a potential employee, you should know enough to remove anything posted on your facebook page to disprove your abilities.  Facebook is a part of this new technology.  Like the article states, in the virtual world, our houses are made of glass.  Anybody can see what kind of person you are, it's a feature that comes with this new technology.  It is your job to be responsible about what is posted on your facebook.

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